02 November 2014

No 'Poo Experience after 7 months

It has been an interesting 3 months since my last blog update about my experience. I did change up somethings since July, so I am going to combine 3 months worth into one post.

After the 5 month, I ran out of both the baking soda cleanser and the vinegar. I was happy to get back to the ACV rinse. This time, I didn't add the honey into the ACV, but I did put in tea tree and lavender essential oils. I could feel the tingling of the tea tree after the first use of the new ACV rinse, but after that, I guess my scalp healed up enough to where I didn't feel the tingling anymore.

I ran out of the baking soda cleanser twice within the last 3 months. The first time I remade it, I boiled some water then let some chamomile leaves and tea leaves brew for about 5 hours. I didn't create too strong of a smell from the chamomile, but I was getting tired of just plain old filtered water. Needless to say, my bath tub was very brown from using that mixture for a month!

The second batch of baking soda cleanser, i just added tea tree and lavender into plain, old, filter water. I made about 32 oz of this which I would have finished by the end of November, but I have since stopped using it for reason I will talk about in my next post.

I did start washing the ACV rinse out with cold water. Yes, that is right, cold water! Now, you are probably thinking I am crazy for doing this, especially with the colder weather coming, but trust me, it is well worth it! If you haven't guessed, the cold water helps to close the cuticles in your hair strands to keep the moisture "locked in," so if you have dry hair (like I do), this will help out a lot! I did start combing my hair in the shower, using a wide tooth comb, after I squirt the ACV rinse on my hair (still using the same method as I mentioned in my last post "No 'Poo Experience after 5 months"). I researched that people with my hair type (wavy/curly) should comb their hairs in the shower, especially after the conditioner is added in, and that's it. Our hair does not like a comb when it is dry! You will get breakage and split ends like no tomorrow. It's no fun and you hair will hate you for it, believe me!

I did purchase a boar bristle brush as a last minute resort when I couldn't find my regular brush. One of my children hid my brush in a drawer in the school room right before vacation time. It's a Conair brand and it doesn't work. At. All. My hair started to get static in it and it wasn't even getting the tangles out. I had to use my girl's brush to get the tangles out. I do not recommend the Conair boar bristle brush. It does work great of fine baby hair, though, our pirate prince really enjoys it when I brush his hair in the morning. :-)

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