09 August 2013

I'm still here!!

Sorry it has taken me almost a year to write a new post. It has been a whirl wind of tasks and adventures for me and the family.

I do believe the last post I written was from the book I was reading for the mom's group I was involved with at my Catholic Church in MO. Since then, I have moved to from MO to CA over the summer, but I would still like to continue doing post on the chapters I read. The new parish does not have a mom's group, unfortunately, but I do believe I will be busy in other areas of my life starting in a few weeks!

I will mention it in this post and will go into more details later. My husband and I decided that we are going to start homeschooling our five year old...we'll call her Princess Pea in future posts (she really likes the cartoon Princess Pea from the PBS kids show Super Why!). Anyway, the area we moved to in CA has horrible ratings for both public and private schools in the surrounding areas. I was really against homeschooling for the past 3 years. Both Princess Pea and I are stubborn, head strong individuals and I wanted my time away from her just to relax and have some peace. She is very energetic and inquisitive to say the least! I also received some good advice from others who have lived in CA and they all told me that you either want to homeschool or put your children in private schools if you want them to have a great education.

We both wanted Princess Pea to be taught in the classical sense, as in the trivium. Meaning she would learn grammar, logic, and rhetoric, in stages. She would also learn latin and possibly greek by the time she starts the fifth grade. When my husband first brought up homeschooling (3 years ago mind you), we were in our local Catholic bookstore when we lived in OH. The store owner knew us very well as we frequented the little shop. She recommended Memoria Press to us. It has the curriculum written out for you and it comes with all the material you need for the grade you are teaching. They also offer an online academy for the older grades, which was new to us when we started really doing our research about a year ago.

Before I ramble on and on about homeschooling, I think I will stop there and wait for another post to continue on. :)

Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to catch up on the things I have been doing so look for a lot of posts coming your way!

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