10 October 2012

Ch 5: Feeding the Hunger of the Heart

As I sit here waiting for dinner to finish up in the oven, I just remembered one other thing about feeding your family for less. There is a website called emeals.com. If you ever have trouble coming up with a meal plan, this website does it for you! You can set it up as a meal plan for 2 people, or you can set it up for your entire family. You choose the grocery store you shop at the most (except for the commissary. Sorry military families that shop there!), and what type of meal you want (gluten free, protein based, vegan, etc.). They send out a weekly meal plan (grocery list included) to your e-mail address. It does cost you since it's a "subscription," but it's only a one time expense. I think you can do a minimum of a year, but I could be wrong. My husband and I have signed up for a year and we have enjoyed it so far! We have printed off each weekly meal plan and have kept it in a binder for later in the future.. So if you want to try it for a year, I think you will really enjoy it!

Ok, onward to the book!

This chapter touched base with the hunger of our hearts. For instance, there are times when we indulge in foods that could potentially lead to gluttony, one of the deadly sins. I know I get this way with candy, especially around this time of year, with it being Halloween and all. This year (fingers crossed) I will try not to eat too many pieces of candy. This is my Halloween "resolution" for the year and if I do really well, then I could do even better next year!

I digress.... Why do you think we overeat or indulge in food? Some will say it's because they have a sweet tooth, or that they are having a bad day and all that will help them is just to eat. Those seem like reliable excuses, but why overeat to make us feel better? Why not eat to enjoy the company we may have? Or if you are feeling down, try talking to someone, like a significant other? Trying other things then just stuffing our mouths full, could help us be healthy, both in mind and body. When you are eating and you feel full, don't try to force that last piece of ribeye steak. Save it for a later time, or even a midnight snack! Try to eat in moderation, making sure you have at least one item from every food group. This is one thing I am trying to do lately, especially with my children.

I know a lot of us are trying to loose weight this year, but you could even over do it. When you exercise, be sure to take it slow, at first. Do not try to rush it! It takes time and patience to loose the desired weight. Find exercises that you like and stick with them for a week or two, then try out some new ones. A really good diet that Kimberly mention is Weight Watchers. She recommends it actually, hehe, "for the practical program for life they promote." I haven't gotten to the state of needing a to do a huge diet, but if you are looking for a good, reliable program, you can't go wrong with Weight Watchers.

One last thing that I believe is great advice when it comes to the health of people is to strengthen them. What Kimberly means by this is if you have a relative who is trying to quit smoking to become healthier, then you wouldn't offer them a cigarette. I personally witnessed something similar with one of my own relatives.

We actually found out that he has a mental illness, but before he was diagnosed, he was drinking heavily. His wife soon found out they were going to have a baby and was a little afraid to tell him about it. Once everything was figured out, my relative stopped drinking, got on his medication and is doing really well. One thing that his wife made sure was that they would stay away from any kind of alcohol what-so-ever. At Christmas time, my family has recently gotten into White Elephant (fun right?) and one of the gifts I had brought was some Bailey's Irish Creme. I asked my mom if this was ok since I knew what was going on with my relative and she said 'yes, that my relative and his wife are trying to keep him away so even if that is the gift he first picks out, it will be stolen anyway.' Because if you are like my family (both my side and my husband's side), the alcohol is always the first to get stolen!

Ch 6: A Mother's Guide to the Eucharist-

Real quick, this is where the sacrament comes in! And what better sacrament then the Eucharist to correlate with food.

Before I even read the chapter, I already had some thoughts come to mind. When we partake in the Eucharist, we are eating the mana which sustains our spiritual life. There are many saints out there that have only survived on eating the Eucharist and that is quite amazing! 

In essence, the Eucharist is food for our souls. It helps us to be like Christ and to be close to him.

Kimberly talks about the Passover and the Todah sacrifice when it comes to the truth about the Eucharist. I am sure we are all familiar with the Passover story so I am going to touch base with the Todah sacrifice.

Todah literally is the sacrifice of "thanksgiving." To me, you can see this....well, hear this happening during Mass when the priest is consecrating the bread and wine. "Jesus broke the bread, gave thanks, and said 'take this all of you and eat. For this is my body which will be given unto you." We also hear this happening with the wine as well. We see that Jesus is giving thanks, the Todah sacrifice, over the bread and wine, the Body and Blood that is our Eucharist; the food for our souls.

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