22 February 2012

This Lenten Year...

I normally have a hard time trying to think of things to give up during the Lenten Year. It usually boils down to "giving up cussing" or "giving up drinking soda." To me they seem so bland and over done by so many people.

This year I want to do something different. Yes, I will think of something to give up, but I will also be adding something. 

I always had an aversion to broadening my faith. My husband has given me plenty of things I could do to help my spiritual self, but I always fought it. A couple of weeks ago he asked me to look to the one person who has gone through the birth of a child, the raising of a child, and seeing her own son die while she was still alive. He ask that I look to our Heavenly Mother Mary for guidance with my own struggles with raising our two (almost three!) daughters. He asked that I read passages from the bible that has any kind of reference or mentions of Mary and to ask myself "what does this mean to me?" It's not an interpretation of the scripture I read, but more of a way to help me to understand why Mary did these things.

And so, I will be doing a post, hopefully, every day with my answer(s) to the passages I read from the bible. I guess you can say this will be part of the "diary" aspect of this blog, heh! :-)

I hope my passages may inspire you to look towards the scriptures for your own personal use and experience this Lenten year.

Food for thought: What does Lent mean to you?

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