24 July 2014

No 'Poo Experience after 4 months

Alright, now that we are up to speed, here is my post after 4 months!

My hair after 4 months. This is also the next day after washing with
the bs cleanser and the lavender infused vinegar rinse.
I did run out of the herbal and baking soda mix shampoo around the 4th, so I made up a batch of just the baking soda cleanser. This time I boiled the quart of water and added some lavender leaves and loose tea leaves and let that set for a couple of hours before adding the baking soda to it.

 I also ran out of my ACV rinse so I got to use my lavender infused vinegar as a rinse until I buy some more apple cider vinegar (which I have).

For these past few showers, I have been washing my hair a little differently. When I did the baking soda cleanser, I would just squirt it all over my scalp then massage it in and let it rest for a few minutes. I would wash it out under the water, then I would squirt the ACV rinse all over my scalp, rub it in, then squirt some more on the rest of my hair, and also leave it in while I wash my face and body.

Now I flip my head over, squirt the baking soda cleanser all over my scalp, rub it in, then flip my head back over and squirt some more at the top, and rub it in again then wash it out immediately. With the ACV rinse, instead of starting at the front of my scalp, I'll start more towards the back of my head and just focus on my tips since I have layers in my hair.

I have noticed with using the lavender infuse vinegar, that my hair feels a lot lighter and the smell is not as bad as the apple cider vinegar. The only bad thing is it feels like the white vinegar is stripping my hair of it's natural oils and it doesn't feel as soft, even though I have seen people use white vinegar and have great results while using it. Also, I have to take showers every other day like I normally did with store bought shampoos and conditioner. Then again, each person's hair is different and each will have different results.

I did not make much of the infused vinegar rinse, but I will be glad to go back to my ACV rinse once it is gone.

If you feel like experimenting with one of your favorite infused vinegar, give it a try! There is no harm in trying it out and you will have an idea of which is best for your hair.

Happy Shampooing

22 July 2014

No 'Poo Experience after 3 months

Sorry I did not get a chance to put this up back in June. My body has been going through crazy changes trying to get back to normal after having Pirate Prince. Now you get to enjoy two posts this month! -:P

Right after I posted my last blog, I tried just using the ACV rinse on my hair. It turned out being just as greasy, if not more greasy, as if you were to just use the baking soda cleanser. Needless to say I took a shower the next morning using both the BS cleanser and ACV rinse. 

I did a little more experimenting with my herbal castile soap shampoo that I had left and the last bit of the baking soda rinse I had.

I was pretty much down to about a third of the herbal shampoo and was just about to run out of the baking soda cleanser so I put both together in one bottle and to try it out. When I was doing the research on 'no poo-ing,' I did come across a tea shampoo recipe that used both baking soda and castile soap. Let me just say that I fell in love with it! It had more lather to the shampoo then it originally did by just using castile soap, and the benefits of getting your scalp rubbed clean from the baking soda. It was refreshing to use and it left my scalp feeling great! I was able to go at least 4 days without washing my hair with the "new and improved" herbal shampoo. I wish I would have combined the two earlier so I could enjoy it more, though. :-(

I keep forgetting to mention how I dry my hair after a shower, so now that I am thinking about it, I'll put it in this post. :-)

If anybody has done research on "how to take care of curly and/or wavy hair" has come to find out that bath towels are evil for our hair types! There are many ways you can dry your hair without getting too many split ends, making it frizzy, or have a rats nest to comb/brush through after your shower.

For the longest time, I used to never brush my hair before I took a shower. Don't get me wrong, I would brush my hair before I would go to school, but I never really thought about brushing before bed time or taking a shower. It wasn't until after I graduated high school and spent the entire summer with my aunt and uncle, when my aunt had asked me, while I was combing my hair after a shower, if I ever brushed my hair before I took one. So I tried it out to see if there was a difference when it came to combing my hair after it had been washed. And well, what do you know, it was A LOT easier to comb through after a shower! That was the first change to my routine.

A few years into my college years, I found out that I should scrunch my hair with a towel vs. rubbing the towel over my hair to dry the excess water off. I also use a wide tooth comb through my hair, but I have been doing that since high school. You can also use a natural boar bristle brush on your hair once it has dried. I haven't been able to buy a natural boar bristle brush just yet, it's on my wishlist after we get out of debt. :) I do remember using something similar while I was a kid and it did make my hair feel very soft, I just never realized that it was a boar bristle brush!

After doing these two changes, my hair seemed to be doing a lot better at keeping the split ends to a minimum and when I thought I was doing an awesome job, I find out there are more things to do to make my hair even better!

I found that people with my hair type should not use a towel, but a cotton t-shirt or a microfiber towel. Again, only scrunching your hair, not rubbing your hair with it. Also, people with tight curly hair do something called plopping. I do it a little different then the video. You basically lay out an old t-shirt (a large long sleeve is preferred, but I use one of my husband's short sleeve) to where the neck line and sleeves are closets to your body, flip your head over to where your hair is laying on the shirt, then fold a little bit of the shirt, where your hair ends, over the tips of your hair, then fold the rest of the shirt over toward your neck to cover the back of your head and tuck it under your forehead. If you are using a long sleeve t-shirt, take the sleeves and cross them over the back of your head then bring them to the front of your head and tie a knot. If you are using a short sleeve, just bring the sleeves to the back and tie a knot. You want to make the knot tight, but not too tight where you are not comfortable. You can leave shirt on as long as you like or as little as you like, it all depends on what your day is like. I usually take my showers at night, when all the children are sleeping, so I usually leave it in while I brush my teeth, put on the witch hazel, and face moisturizer to finish off my routine of washing my face, then take it out before I go to bed; about 10-15 minutes. If I get a shower in early enough at night, I leave it in while I watch some Stargate episodes with my husband then take the shirt off before we go to bed; close to a hour.

I haven't used any kind of hair products since switching to a no poo shampoo, but the plopping is most effective when you do use them, especially if you want the scrunch look for your waves. I like plopping without hair products just fine, it gives my waves a more natural look to them.

I hope some of these tips on how to manage your hair after a shower will help you out and make your no poo experience a great one!

Happy Shampooing!